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URGENT - Losing visitors from these problems.. | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Douglas Feb 21 '12
1. External links open in same window, instead of a new window. Google analytics shows visitors click a link and never come back. This includes RSS links, Link Plugin links, Forum links, etc.... any link that points to an external website.

2. User complaints about the malfunctioning Newsfeed which doesn't insert thumbnails correctly when visitors post a URL.

3. Forum text field gives random errors still, about "filling out the form properly"

4. Forum recent posts link - This is not an error, but user request. They would like a simple link at the top of the forum, that points to a page containing the last 20 or 30 active topics.

Oxwall is fantastic software. Personally, i know this is hard software to build, and i appreciate the team's efforts. But some of these problems are old, and should be fixed before moving forward with new features, etc.

Please take this post as friendly and helpful. I do not mean it to be insulting in any way. 

Also, i think i deserve an award for this being the 1000th topic in this category :D lol


The Forum post is edited by Douglas Feb 21 '12
DeFender Feb 27 '12
yep, agree
Michael I.
Michael I. Mar 5 '12
1. Links open in same window in Links plugin and we will fix it. As for Blogs, Forum, Newsfeed, etc - links are opening in a separate tab. What build do you use?

2. This will be fixed in the next build - we will add something like Facebook's thumbnails for links system.

3. Any ideas on how to reproduce the issue?

4. Post this to oxwall.uservoice.com and we will probably add this in one of the upcoming builds.

Thank you for your kind words, we really appreciate will of our users to make our product better.

Also, I think I also deserve an award for my reply #9000 ;) Just kidding, even 1000th reply is far away yet...

Douglas Mar 5 '12
HI Mulder,

1.   im still using Platform version 1.2.6 (build 4417). I opted NOT to update to new versions until all the errors have been fixed because i have heavily modified the CSS files.

2. Thank You, looking forward to the updated newsfeed.

3. The form errors i can reproduce all the time. I noticed part of the problem was fixed on version 1.3+ demo, but i havent installed that version yet until the newsfeed is fixed.

4. this is not critical, but users have requested it many times. I'll add it to the suggestion thingy.



btw, here's my site if you want to look around. http://www.dougsoutdoors.net

i have the newsfeed disabled currently....

DeFender Mar 5 '12
I have suggested for recent topics and this is the ex. http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/3612
Douglas Mar 5 '12
I would like that, but on a separate page via a link.

DeFender Mar 5 '12
I have about 5000 active users and using this recnt topics. All are happy. there are only 10 recent/last active themes. im using phpbb3 . there is no need to go to a separate page.
Chris Bezuidenhout
Chris Bezuidenhout Mar 15 '12
@aka_le_Mulder is there a way to get newsfeed in the groups or another way to let members like an comment on posts?
Michael I.
Michael I. Mar 23 '12
@Chris, there is a Newsfeed in Groups. Doesn't that feature work for you?
Lisa May 26 '12
4. I added a request for this type of feature in the User Voice site. Please Vote on it!!!!
