Is there a workaround / hack for that?
Is there a workaround / hack for that?
As far as a workaround, can you explain a bit more, not sure what the workaround would be for.
When you attach an image to a chat, it is uploaded to the server then re-sized and shown in the chat, all that is fine but why not link to the original file so it can be shown full size in a new window :-/
Nice.... :)
In the gallery's it works fine, there I can store and view the full size images.
The problem is in CHAT and MAIL, any image attached to a chat or massage IS resized to 667x1000 :-(. It is shown as a thumbnail in the chat/message, clicking it opens the resized image in a new window.
Also i guess you could change the core code link to the image to link to the large one hard coded?
All resized images get stored in /ow_userfiles/plugins/mailbox/attachments and they are all resized images NOT the original images - they are nowhere to be found :-(
That was it :-) Now I'm a happy sailor.
Well, I have no worries about bandwidth, disk quotas or speed. I run my own server on a flatrate 20/20Mbit fiber connection, so bring it on ;)