Hi All
Firstly , I really would like to thank all the teams for making such an easy cms!
To make something work easy takes a lot of thought and skill.
Im having a real difficulty using oxwall-1.7.2 stable , im on a two forward one back atm.
For the last week iv tried setting up a community site, which will be for mainly cross browser, and mainly mobile users. Iv tried on iphone 5, and android kitkat, and its a no go.
In my case, the messaging plugin , is a fundamental essential.
My frist question is ... Can I uninstall the oxwall 1.7 mailbox messaging plugin, via phphadmin , fitp, or any way possible.
And instead , install the mailbox standalone plugin that works on the 1.6.0 platform?
My second question
Until the above is resolved, I would be looking at using 1.6 for now.
I tried it an alternative, , and am very satisfied with the messaging functions via the mailbox
I have tried fresh installs of 1.6.0 and after 10 minutes im forced to update the plugins, as soon as I do , I get a 505s , or blank screen on front back ends.
Iv read here about dbug modes, I would rather not take that road, as I will need to be at hand all the time. when updates come along. I cant do a handover to basic users, and expect them to
Is there any way in the config file or settings that im able to stop the cms from, forcing a plugin db update?
If I had the option to ignore it, and still configure the plugins , but until I press that dreaded button, i cant work on any other plugin.
If iv got a site that works and isn't broken, why break it?
So in summary , (as I go on!!)
Ideally , I would love to have 1.7.1 Without the combined mailbox chat , and just have the 1.6 mailbox plugin instead
Use oxwall 1.6 and be able to switch off the function that forces the updates. ( im fine with a bit of messy code)
Please could you help, Iv put in about 100 hours, and haven't even got started on any content yet.
Peace Brothers and Sisters