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Obtaining a refund for mis sold themes | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
mikeg Apr 14 '15
I have bought 2 themes on your store, neither work on mobiles, i have tried many variations, and iv completely given up.

The last theme, didnt even have a demo , I could only go on your store listinfg as 1.7.1 1.7.2 compatible and works on mobiles.

Neither Promethius 2, or Exodus work. I have had to purchase the both in order to find this out.

Thats blatant miss selling practices. This is like fools and horses, where Delboys selling VCRS that only tune into MIA!

Oxwalls really a great cms, you guys and gals really need to get it all together. Youv got something here, thats way better than wordpress and joomla in simplicity. However, these jokers your using for themes are going to be your undoing.

Please message me ( on my laptop) on how to obtain a refund from these sellers)

I so want to stick it out , but the level of trust and time wasted is really behond , paying in desperation for themes that don't work is the final kick in the teeth.

Believe it or not, im trying to set this up for a church for free, its costing me a mint, and im going backwards.

dave Leader
dave Apr 24 '15
If you paid via paypal then most of the time downloadable media is not covered under buyer or seller protection.   As unfortunate and sad as it is there are some people in this world who dont have the ethics to sell anything.  But as bad as it seems those are not as many as you may think.   There are many quality developers who practice ethics every day and are very trustworthy.  

Post your review of the products you purchased on the store page to help others in making their decision, that is normally the only recourse you have.  If the developers will not refund you your money and it is false advertising then report them to Oxwall in a personal email.  Have your facts and screenshots attached. 

Hope this helps you and as a ethical dev myself im sorry this happened to you. 


Soundchum web solution

Quote from dave If you paid via paypal then most of the time downloadable media is not covered under buyer or seller protection.   As unfortunate and sad as it is there are some people in this world who dont have the ethics to sell anything.  But as bad as it seems those are not as many as you may think.   There are many quality developers who practice ethics every day and are very trustworthy.  

Post your review of the products you purchased on the store page to help others in making their decision, that is normally the only recourse you have.  If the developers will not refund you your money and it is false advertising then report them to Oxwall in a personal email.  Have your facts and screenshots attached. 

Hope this helps you and as a ethical dev myself im sorry this happened to you. 



also i advice you that you never buy products without demo ( with my respect to all developers )

dave Leader
dave Apr 24 '15
The problem with demo sites is that they can be spoofed, plus it takes alot of resources and keep a live demo running for a plugin not to mention its high maintenance, especially if you have several.  Very few good developers are going to do this for a $5 plugin.  I personally like to do video demos when i can and i do often with my more high profile jobs (outside of oxwall), why not oxwall well i dont have a good answer for that other than i hope to get to it.  I think we should have a place in the store to embed a video rather than just a link.

The best thing is to do your research and go with a known developer who has a good reputation, ask around, read the reviews in the store, check out the support posts in the store.  

The Forum post is edited by dave Apr 24 '15