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sub domain problem | Forum

Dominic Walters
Dominic Walters Feb 23 '12
I have set up a subdomain to redirect to my oxwall site

my oxwall site is in my root folder in a folder called 'fishface' and the url works fine, as below;


the sub domain is www.fishface.carpand.co.uk

everytime i use the sub domain i get an error message saying www.carpand.co.uk/oxwall does not exist

i not even asking for that addy ffs!

it's all set up via cpanel and appears correct

does oxwall have scripts fighting this kind of redirection?

i have also tried to redirect using a .htacces file, that doesn't work either??

any ideas guys?
DeFender Feb 23 '12
look at your config for true path
Dominic Walters
Dominic Walters Feb 23 '12
config says

define('OW_URL_HOME', 'http://carpand.co.uk/fishface/');
Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 29 '12
Well, first of all, subdomains doesn't have www in their URLs. Secondly, why don't you change the URL in config.php file to http://fishface.carpand.co.uk?