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Facebook Videos Not Allowed | Forum

JoshWho Apr 17 '15
When trying to add a fb video i see error Unsupported video site
JoshWho Apr 17 '15
using embeded code

<div id="fb-root"></div><script>(function(d, s, id) {  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;  js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;  js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.3";  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script><div class="fb-video" data-allowfullscreen="true" data-href="/barrie.w.todd/videos/vb.1330322192/10202421495961956/?type=1"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><blockquote cite="/barrie.w.todd/videos/10202421495961956/"><a href="/barrie.w.todd/videos/10202421495961956/"></a><p>Lol</p>Posted by <a href="https://www.facebook.com/barrie.w.todd">Barrie W Todd</a> on Wednesday, July 16, 2014</blockquote></div></div>

or the new link method thanx to spvideo lite https://www.facebook.com/...s/10202421495961956/

It is also doing this with live leak videos

The Forum post is edited by JoshWho Apr 17 '15
JoshWho Apr 17 '15
DeFender Apr 18 '15
me too .............   bump..... up :D
JoshWho Apr 19 '15
ok must be a bug no one is saying anything back. at least i know im not the only one with the problem now.
dave Leader
dave Apr 19 '15
I get resource not allowed. 
JoshWho Apr 19 '15
i don't understand why they even changed it. It was working fine. Why do people fix stuff that's not broke.
dave Leader
dave Apr 19 '15
because its a very competitive business and everyone is trying to get ahead and sometimes small changes have not so expected results. 
JoshWho Apr 19 '15
if i knew how it worked i would just fix it. I don't understand what its calling the permission from if it is not going off the list in the user content section in the admin panel. I know youtube still works so its not all the way broke. 
dave Leader
dave Apr 19 '15
have you tried an older embed code.  Could FB have changed their format recently?
JoshWho Apr 19 '15
yeah i went through all the trouble shooting steps. I even added facebook.net to the list seeing that some videos pull there code from that but still doesn't work.
JoshWho Apr 19 '15
the strange part but might be another clue to the problem is older fb videos i already have on my site is now not playable in the news feed. you can hear the audio but only see a white space for the video.
DeFender Apr 19 '15
my old fb are playable , it is all OK.
JoshWho Apr 19 '15
mine r playable but not in news feed
DeFender Apr 19 '15
I dont have index, but in dashboard fb clips are playing 

JoshWho Apr 19 '15
by adding my domain fixed it. Fix confirmed.  well at least the old facebook videos but yeah new ones still have the same error. 
The Forum post is edited by JoshWho Apr 19 '15
Seo Dubster
Seo Dubster May 18 '18
2018 this problem still presists ....but WHY ?!
dave Leader
dave May 18 '18
Dont expect this to be resolved any time soon, oxwall free version is not currently being updated by the team (if there still is a team)
Seo Dubster
Seo Dubster May 19 '18

Quote from dave Dont expect this to be resolved any time soon, oxwall free version is not currently being updated by the team (if there still is a team)
Sad :( PS I dont have any knowledge for payd version o.O Like everything cool in this world it is aboundand fast :(