The gearwheel at is attempting to load from the Simplicity theme's folder as a .png, but Simplicity uses the .svg format for this file. Essentially, the image is broken in the Simplicity theme.
.ow_profile_gallery_avatar_image {
This line isnt present when plugin is active!
Could you pm me your site url. I need test the issue on your site. What theme do you use? Could you provide a screenshot of the issue.
The avatar issue was fixed and the plugin update is released:
Thank you for the report.
Turns out your Friends List plug in creates a bug where users can befriend themselves.
To reproduce this bug:
1. go to your demo site (
2. sign into demo1's account.
3. go to another profile and right click "add to friends" button and click "copy link address".
4. Find out your personal user id (demo 2's was 248, so i assumed demo1 would be 247)
5. Paste the URL you copied from demo2's profile ( and replace 248 with 247.
It will take you to a error page due to there being too many redirects, however the request will go through, so if you simply click back, you will see the friend request from yourself (demo1) sitting there waiting to be accepted.
I have had numerous discussions with Ross trying to track this error down and it seems it is being caused by your plug in.