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JoshWho Apr 23 '15
O good Stack for windows I recommend is xampp .  https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html

Very easy to configure.

Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
I'm getting a port 80 error, I do believe my plesk panel uses port 80??  
JoshWho Apr 23 '15
u need to change plesk to another port use 8080  then run your Apache 
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
I'm unsure of how to change the plesk panel port from 80 to 8080
JoshWho Apr 23 '15
U really don't need plesk at all unless u plan on hosting other users. The Apache Stack is all u need. 
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
I do plan on hosting others on our server as well, that is why I had it initially installed.
JoshWho Apr 23 '15
Plesk should be on port 8443 by default how did u get it to listen on 80?
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
I now see by default it is on port 8443 however I'm unsure what is on my port 80
JoshWho Apr 23 '15
it might not be plesk using that port. If you have remote desktop services like team viewer on it uses port 80. if u have it on just fully exit out of it including exiting from the task bar by the clock.
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
Ok so how will I be able to actually access the server with out using port 80 then to start the apache service and edit the file? And is there a way to change the port for the Soft script?
JoshWho Apr 23 '15
what r u using to access the server? is it team viewer? Give me some more details about your server. is it in your house or r u renting it from some where?
The Forum post is edited by JoshWho Apr 23 '15
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
No I'm using Remote Desktop from Microsoft, and I call the data center he said he was unsure what was using port 80 and said it could be IIS.
JoshWho Apr 23 '15
very well could be. See if iis is running in your system services. if it is then disable it.
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
Ok I will check, and isn't IIS the base of the server?
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
Also I see that in services that IIS Admin is running, However I do not just see IIS as a service running.
JoshWho Apr 23 '15
no its just another web server that microsoft made. its junk in my opinion. Apache and ngix is way better.
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
Ok so it will be better to disable the IIS Admin from running? Then try reloading the APACHE?
JoshWho Apr 23 '15
yes. iis is using port 80 and u dont want to use iis to begin with
Bob Brown
Bob Brown Apr 23 '15
Ok, so I just end process? Or go into control and go to IIS and disable it in there completely?
JoshWho Apr 23 '15
yeah u want to disable it completely. 
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