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confused about premium support qualifications | Forum

dave Leader
dave Apr 22 '15
Maybe its just me but i dont get it.  I am posting this in all fairness without bias and im just trying to understand this situation is all. 

Here we have a company Oxwall Accessories which is listed under the premium support for Oxwall.  

My experience with them has not been much other than the fact that they never could keep a website going, it was either 404, 500 or for some other reason just down, seemed like they never could afford even the basic hosting for their site.  When i first came to Oxwall they were all over the place, helping people, engaged and very interactive.  Now all i hear is complaints about them for one reason or another.  And you dont see them on the forum anymore hardly, never helping, nothing!

You pull up their so called support website by clicking on their banner under premium support and to me that site has nothing to do with offering support of Oxwall Software, its just a social site. Seems like a very basic Oxwall install with some social content that to me has not one single subject on it about Oxwall support at all. 

So am i not understanding something, am i not getting the point here.  What am i missing.   If i was a new Oxwall user and i went to their website for support i would not know what to do.  

Im not trying to be negative and im not trying to pick on Oxwall Accessories in any way.  Obviously they are there for a reason and have earned their OX wings.   But im trying to look through the eyes of a would be new user of Oxwall and thinking HUH what the heck is that all about!  Especially if that is their first impression of what qualifies as a premium support site for Oxwall they probably think its some kind of a joke or something.  

So help me understand please, Oxwall Accessores or anyone i look foward to your reply..   Again im not picking on anyone im just trying to gather what im missing and why we have such things in the limelight of Oxwall which could turn away users. 

Thanks so much... 



The Forum post is edited by dave Apr 22 '15
dave Leader
dave Apr 22 '15
and then you have ewt global solutions, the last one on the premium support page and it takes you to a hosting company called http://www.hostinger.co.uk/  which does not even have a Oxwall logo on their site at all.  And no reference to oxwall whatsoever that i could find.  

So how can they claim to be oxwall premium support when they dont even advertise that on their site and its just a hosting site is all.  

Does Oxwall allow anyone to post there as long as they pay the fee, if there is a fee?  That does not seem right to me.  If we are going to let them post on a page for Oxwall premium support then let them advertise support for Oxwall not just a hosting company or in Oxwall Accessories case a social site.... 

Oxwall if you want more pro's to use your software you have to gain their confidence or more of it and make sure we check these things regular ya know.  

For that matter let myself or many others here that actually support oxwall on our sites publish there. 


The Forum post is edited by dave Apr 22 '15
tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 23 '15
you forgot younett  some there plugins that have not worked from day one they put them in store 
they loged into my site over 12 months ago and seen there plugins dont work 
but they wont fix them
so they are willingly selling something that does not work 
and then any one that buys them they then tell them they have to pay younett to fix them 

oxwall has known of younetts scam for a long time now and chooses to let them keep stealing for people  
dave Leader
dave Apr 23 '15
The thing is i dont know if that is paid sponsorship or not.  So if its not paid then yes some of those need to be removed, if its paid well not much we can do about that. 
tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 23 '15
does not matter payed or not 
oxwall has a responsibility by not letting false advertising  


dave Leader
dave Apr 23 '15
Well i would like to have one of those spots at least i support and show i support oxwall on my site.  Like many other do.,