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Unable To login In Any Account | Forum

ross Team
ross Apr 29 '15
Nimish, I understand your joy that's all work ok, but please answer the question in the post above. Also, is your issue resolved after changing the code or what?
The Forum post is edited by ross Apr 29 '15
Nimish Apr 29 '15
Sir It Is Not Executing ...
ross Team
ross May 3 '15
What is it that not executing?
moonwald May 14 '15
Hi Nimish
thanks to Dave suggestion I'm trying to pass from MyISAM to InnoDB 'cause I'd like to use foreign keys

What do I have to solve in Section Error, Login, New Registration in order to do not have errors with the queries?


ross Team
ross May 15 '15
Moonwald, why do you want to do this? Do you have the exact, same issue as Nimish?
Do you also get 500 error?

Nimish May 19 '15
Rename Old base_dao.phpAnd Just Upload In ow_core/
  base_dao.php (9Kb)
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