First does your server meet these specs.
If you plan to host your site elsewhere make sure your host meets the following hosting requirements:
Apache 2 or higher with:mod_rewrite on
mod_security (strict configurations) off
PHP 5.3 or higher with:cURL on
fopen on
register_globals off
safe_mode off
suPHP off
suApache off
suhosin off
PHP modules:
MySQL 5.0 or higher
GD Library 2 with FreeType support
Mail server (SendMail, Exim or other)
as far as the form goes i think that might be part of mod security rules, which usually affects forms.
From what i understand 1.7.3 is alittle more sensitive to mod security than previous versions so you might want to check that out.
you can wait for a team member tomorrow night, or you can try to download the software and do the manual install and make sure the tables are MyIsam tables.
I would find out why your server does not support MyIsam, call your hosting company and ask them why.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ow_base_user_online`;CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ow_base_user_online` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL, `userId` int(11) NOT NULL, `activityStamp` int(11) NOT NULL, `context` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ;
as to the error with the forum, while creating new section in the forum, please open a firebug console in the Firefox browser and see if there's any error, they are usually red ones. make a screenshot of the error and provide it here.
Changing the code is not a solution. Change your default storage engine from InnoDB to Myisam, if you don't know how to do that, contact your hosting provider, if they do not know how to do that, I recommend you to change host. The server should be compatible with the software not the opposite.