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I am not able to sent mails through my site | Forum

Eapen May 4 '15
I am not able to sent mails through my site when I enable SMTP and when it is disabled Oxwall is using the default email id of the hosting site for sending emails.
ross Team
ross Team
ross May 5 '15
Eapen, what is your hosting provider?

Please check the solution provide by James here: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/35571?page=2#post-145950

Eapen May 6 '15
I am using a free hosting from hostinger.in
ross Team
ross May 7 '15
James, I believe you don't have access to php.ini on the free hosting plan. Contact hosting provider support team and request to assist you with the issue and the instructions James provided. 
Eapen May 7 '15
Thank you
ross Team
ross May 7 '15
Sorry, Eapen. Keep us updated whether you resolved the issue or not. 
Eapen May 9 '15

I contacted my hosting provider and they told me that I can't access php.ini.

So now I m sending mails without using smtp and its working

ross Team
ross May 12 '15
In this case Eapen, this is the only way out, if you don't have access to php.ini

You can try contact your hosting provider with the instructions James provided and try to explain the issue to them, probably they will be able to arrange something for you 

Eapen May 12 '15
Okay I will try contacting them and check whether what I can do