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How does it work? - Advertisement | Forum

Fabio May 6 '15
How does it work?
I installed but I can not understand how it works.
Can I include my own banner?
The Forum post is edited by Fabio May 6 '15
  Schermata 2015-05-06 a 16.34.04.png (37Kb)
Oxwall Software
Oxwall Software May 6 '15

First of all, to create your own advertisement banner - you should create a banner picture using an image editor (for ex: Photoshop).
Then you should share it on the Internet. Or you can upload the image to your network via Admin Area > Edit Theme > Graphics, and then use the following banner code by adding the link you received after uploading:
Then click on the plugin settings button which appear after you hover of the plugin and add a banner
<a href="YOUR_SITE_URL"><img src="URL_RECEIVED_AFTER_UPLOADING" border=0 alt="SITE_TITLE" /></a>
To create a simple link - you can use the following code:

Then place the banner to the pages you like in the Banner Placement section
The Forum post is edited by Oxwall Software May 6 '15
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