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Option for moderation when people edit their profile | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Otto May 7 '15
When a user registers, the admin will need to approve the profile, to check for spam or unwanted user info (like email/phone/address). Is there an option where the admin will get to see when someone changes his/her profile and has to approve the changes? Else people can just fill in contact info and work around the paid system without we knowing it :)

We have a plugin called 'premoderation', but there are only 4 options, and no option for what we want. I cannot find another plugin, but it seems quite basic functionality to make the system work?
Taissa Team
Taissa May 8 '15
Otto, if user have edited their profile details, you will see the appropriate notification in Newsfeed. In this way you can know about any profile editing.
Concerning the edit profile approval functionality is not whether it will  frustrate users if they always have to wait for approval for any profile editing.