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Can't see avatar image after moved the site[Solved] | Forum

Guna May 7 '15
I moved my oxwall test site from one host to another by following the below url


After moved the site, I can able to view the site clearly except Avatar Image.

When I tried to access the avatar image url, It is showing Error 400. 

What could be wrong?

The Forum post is edited by ross May 12 '15
ross Team
ross Team
ross May 8 '15
have you set the permissions 777 to the folders mentioned in the manual?

please check the avatar image is actually there too. 

Guna May 8 '15
@ross Thanks for the reply.

I checked the permissions of the following 4 folders as given in the tutorial.

ow_pluginfiles, ow_userfiles, ow_static, ow_smarty/template_c

All folders have 0777.

For your information, I am using Oxwall 1.7.0.

Avatar images are present in the FTP. I downloaded them and check them.

ross Team
ross May 8 '15
Ok, Guna, can you please try to enable dev mode and refresh a website couple of times? 

Don't forget to disable it after. 

If the issue persists PM me your admin and FTP access details, I'll take a look at the issue. 

Guna May 8 '15
Thanks.I am very much glad that you replied too quick.

When I tried the avatar url in browser, It is showing Error 400 (Bad Request).

Sorry. I can't provide Admin and FTP access details.

ross Team
ross May 8 '15
Do you have default .htaccess file in the root of the software?

Unfortunately I can't do much without access to the server and website. 

Guna May 8 '15
I understand since I am limited to give the details.

I explain the scenario

The Site is running in Cakephp and i had moved the oxwall script in the root of the server.
edited the Htaccess file and oxwall script runs perfectly without any error. but the images getting 400 bad request and it seems the image request captured by the cakephp framework. not by oxwall
ross Team
ross May 8 '15
What changes you did to the .htaccess file?
Oxwall Tips
Oxwall Tips May 8 '15
1. what is structure of the URLs to your images?
2. if you register a new user, are you able to upload avatar and does it become visible ? What about photos, can you see photos on your new site?
3. do you have apache error logs? Can you provide the content of those logs?
4. check ow_log/error.log file . Can you provide content of those logs?

5. can you paste content of your oxwall's main .htaccess file?
4. can you paste content of .htaccess file located in ow_usersfiles/ directory ?
Guna May 8 '15
Thanks Oxwall Tips for the reply.

I uploaded the image in newsfeed. But not showing in frontend.

Guna May 11 '15
I made a change in htaccess and moved the oxwall site from cakephp's app/webroot to root directory.

I removed the following code from .htaccess

   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^sitename\.com$ [NC]

   RewriteRule ^.*$ http://www.sitename.com%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]

   RewriteRule ^(ow/) - [L]   # Removed this code

Also I moved the oxwall site to server's root directory.

Now it is working fine for Newsfeed images and avatars. 

I created image widgets with my plugin. That images not showing now.

ross Team
ross May 12 '15
"I created image widgets with my plugin. That images not showing now." Can you please elaborate what do you mean by created image widgets?
Guna May 12 '15

It means, I created widgets that display images.

That issue also fixed. It was due to wrong path. Now images display correctly.

The Forum post is edited by Guna May 12 '15
ross Team
ross May 12 '15
Ok, I'm going to mark the thread as Solved then.