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Bug when uploading big file on newsfeed: no error, just infinite loading | Forum

Kali May 8 '15

Since I updated to 1.7.3 I don't have an error message anymore when a user is trying to upload a big file that exceed the max file upload size, or a file format that is not authorized, it just keeps loading forever. Could you help?

Thank you :)
ross Team
ross May 8 '15
Update has nothing to do with the issue. Check your firebug console for an error https://docs.oxwall.org/faq:parse-error-troubleshooting, make a screenshot of the error and provide it here
Kali May 9 '15
There isn't any error, if I try to upload a 200mo .mp4 I get normal POST actions and it keeps loading
  firebug.png (417Kb)
ross Team
ross May 11 '15
Can you please share your URL?
Kali May 13 '15
I sent you a pm
ross Team
ross May 13 '15
Kali, I tried to upload MP3 file which is not allowed on your website and get the error. See screenshots in pm

What is your upload max size?