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Background Image - Facebook Clone | Forum

Rockyuk May 13 '15
Hi there,

I am using Skadate with this plugin is it possible to set a background image on the landing page?



Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs

You can achieve this using CSS. Simply add a custom css in the theme setting.


Rockyuk May 14 '15
Please can you provide me with an example of CSS to use please?
Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs


background: url('YOUR IMAGE HERE') fixed;



Rockyuk May 14 '15
Hi there,

I tried that but it has not worked and does not display the image?

Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs

Quote from Rockyuk Hi there,

I tried that but it has not worked and does not display the image?

Are you still having this issue? PM me your URL.
Shaun Feb 3 '17

Quote from Ebenezer Obasi


background: url('YOUR IMAGE HERE') fixed;



I tried the code as well but it did not work for me either, Is there an updated code we could use?
Shaun Feb 4 '17

.container {
    background: url("http://test.com/test.jpg") no-repeat center center fixed !important; 
  background-size: cover !important;


The above code works great. fond it further down in the forum. Thanks

Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs
Ok. I'm glad this works for you.
Shaun Feb 6 '17
Loving the plugin, it really is great.

Is it possible to have more than 1 background image? 

For example it would be nice to have say 5 images and have them scrolling from 1 to the other.


Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs
You will have to do some coding in the plugin source.
Shaun Feb 6 '17
Never mind then, Always worth asking though.
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