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Hide/remove title custom page | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Maud Mar 2 '12
I find the titles at my custom pages kind of ignorant. So my question is if there is a way to hide or remove the titles in custom pages.
Sardar Mar 6 '12
I can't catch the problem, can you please attach screen showing the problem. Do you have blank titles or maybe language keys instead of titles?
Richard Carr
Richard Carr Jun 13 '12
Hi can someone answer this please.....Really need to be able to do this...
When making a custom page [e.g home page] you have to enter a page title which appears at the top of the page, how do you remove this?

Any help
Soloplayer Designs
Soloplayer Designs Jul 3 '12

Quote from Richard Carr Hi can someone answer this please.....Really need to be able to do this...
When making a custom page [e.g home page] you have to enter a page title which appears at the top of the page, how do you remove this?

Any help

if im not mistaken you can remove it on the language area.
Michael I.
Michael I. Nov 1 '12
Topic was moved from Core.
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Mar 4 '16
Add to your custom page as follows:

<style type="text/css">
h1.ow_stdmargin {
display: none}
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