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mobile theme | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Mathew May 14 '15
How does oxwall redirect its users to a mobile theme so the have the mobile format that is in the themes?

i have been looking through the master pages but cant find any @media quote to redirect

thanks in advance

Hybrid May 16 '15
This may be of some use for you Mathew as I'm pretty sure that oxwall software doesn't actually use any media queries...at least the core software anyway - custom themes may be different.

Take a look at this article and read on how some techniques can be applied: http://www.inmotionhosting.com/...ects/mobile-redirect

So, in the core software, the oxwall devs have made it known somewhere either in the javascript files, htaccess files or could even be located somewhere in a php file to redirect users to the mobile version.

Mathew May 18 '15
thanks hybird i have been looking but cant find out how they did itbut think i will have a go myself

would love to hear from anyone that knows mind