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POP-UP windows in store | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
PaulB May 16 '15
Why do the people who are trying to sell Themes in the store link their demo pages to sites that produce pop-up windows?

Three times while I was shopping for a theme today, I had to ctr-alt-del and end task for pop-ups that would not close. All three times the pop-up claimed to be a security alert urging me co call a support number so they could fix my computer. And all three times these pop-ups came from clicking on a demo theme link.

Very annoying! I would like to think this is unintentional and link has been hi-jacked. At least I hope that's the case.

All the same it makes me very uncomfortable providing any credit card or paypal info to this site.

Can anyone shed some light on this? 

tammy harris
tammy harris May 18 '15
do the sites have adds on them 
as most add company's now encourage ppl to put the popup and popunders to earn more money