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Logged on user becomes suddenly other user | Forum

JoshWho Jun 27 '15
The only reason why I can't say it is the code is because I can not make it happen on my server with the same code.

There has to be something bad with your web server itself. Are you using apache?

I use  apache on a centos dedicated box.   I use op_cache now because it solved my problem with memcache and apc.

Varnish wasn't doing to good of a job with static data with oxwall so i disabled it.

I find it odd that your live site and test site on the same machine is having the issue but every one else environment cant reproduce it. It has to be something with your web server itself.

Alain Jun 27 '15
Hi Josh,

I'm on Apache, indeed.

I'll configure a new VM from scratch with CentOS 7 instead of Ubuntu 14.04.

In the meanwhile, you may test with precaution in the production site.  See Private Message.

Alain Jul 18 '15
After a month of troubleshooting, the issues are still happening.  Especially after sending a mass newsletter, I got several incidents by wrong user-IDs.  It's either because more members visit the site after reading the newsletter or by a more specific behaviour.  I still don't know.  It seems to be random for me this morning.  I was already 3 different users by just opening my site URL.  Also I got one mail from a user who said he was in my profile.  But several other users might experience this without notifying me.


Can you technically explain me how the complete sign-in process happens, including the automatic procedures ?  I must find this bug in the code.

I'm no longer convinced that it could be due to any plugin.  The problems also occur in a test environment with lots of plugins disabled.

Wilson Jul 19 '15


We are now at 1.7.5 version...please go here to download latest Oxwall version: http://www.oxwall.org/download

But before you update...PLEASE READ this post. http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/24134


FYI: I think this issue has been fixed in 1.7.5 core update. ex: http://www.oxwall.org/1.7.5/CHANGELOG.txt

Alain Jul 19 '15
Hi Wilson !

Thanks for your suggestion.  This brings new hope.

I see nothing particular in the Change log that would avoid wrong user sessions but I'm going to try the upgrade.  First in test environment. Then the next day in the live environment.

I'll post the outcome here.

Alain Jul 25 '15
I'm on Oxwall version 1.7.5 since July 21st and I changed to the "Life Style" theme (as the Googleplus was no longer supported on this Oxwall version.

So far, I haven't experienced troubles with wrong user sessions but I keep my eyes open.  

I post again here after some time.  Hopefully with an optimistic conclusion.

Alain Aug 1 '15
10 days running on 1.7.5 and it has been busy by members on my site already.

I really have the feeling that this new version of Oxwall solved my terrible problem of suddenly wrong user sessions.  The cause of the problems I had during the period of running Oxwall versions 1.7.2 till 1.7.4 is a mystery but past is past.

I do have another trouble with an extremely slow load on the page .../users/search which makes my site crash temporarily from time to time but I'll report that in another topic after examination.

Wilson Aug 1 '15

Hey Alain,

Good to hear that issue is resolved. As for a heavier load making things slow….yes if I remember Ross was saying after 1.7.0 version things got heavier…I think he was saying Newsfeed, Photo, Message plugins got much heavier load times due to many factors. Not sure about the search options but you could go to these files to see how things work.


Hope it helps….

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