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store forums showing screwed up | Forum

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tammy harris
tammy harris May 22 '15
store forums showing screwed up

and please notice the list it has been over 2 years now younett has been scamming people out of there hard earned money 

can some one please do something about them 

tammy harris
tammy harris May 22 '15
and there still running the scam of ask people to pay them to fix the plugins 
JoshWho May 22 '15
Oxwall is to busy suspending good developers and allowing idiots like that to continue.
tammy harris
tammy harris May 22 '15
who did they suspend 
JoshWho May 22 '15
tammy harris
tammy harris May 22 '15
JoshWho May 22 '15
people complaining about him removing items from the store because they gave it a bad review. I never had any issues with Roxwall. Any time I have ever needed help he was always willing to support all his themes and even some things thats not his. He has helped me alot. For free to. 

Not like this scammer u posted above but they think thats ok.

The Forum post is edited by JoshWho May 22 '15
tammy harris
tammy harris May 22 '15
him temove stuff from the store does not mean he was suspended
JoshWho May 22 '15
try to send him a message it says user has been suspended

The Forum post is edited by JoshWho May 22 '15
tammy harris
tammy harris May 22 '15
i reported younett to moderator so many times 
and daisy emailed younett on the problems and they replied with all lies 
i then proved to daisy there email was complete lies 

but still there allowed to run there scam
JoshWho May 22 '15
that figures. The logic there makes total since.  (JK)
The Forum post is edited by JoshWho May 22 '15
tammy harris
tammy harris May 22 '15
they even run different plugin versions on there test site that work
so every one that buys there store versions that dont work 
they then ask them to pay them to fix it 

and they have been getting away with this scam for over 2 years 
JoshWho May 22 '15
Thats the same Issue i had with the iHands Company that made the iMod Oxwall Mobile Application that in total cost me over $100.00+ dollars, and if there was any errors they wanted to charge $25.00 to fix it.  The app sucks and doesn't even work. They show a picture of it with the facebook connect and everything working correct including video and when i bought it there was no Facebook connect. It wouldn't keep you logged in. and videos wouldn't play.

I made a mobile app for free and it works really good. I even have it on Google play now. Its just basically using the mobile version of the site so I'm still waiting for video support for it which is mind boggling that they haven't fixed that issue yet with all these new versions that just came out. How hard would it be to just make the youtube video clickable in the mobile news feed. 

tammy harris
tammy harris May 22 '15
cool what you use to make the app
Daisy Team
Daisy May 22 '15
Guys, the Roxwall's profile and his plugins have been suspended due to gross violation of our TOS. He decided to stop cooperating with us.

As to the Younet - Tammy, we are still working on the complaints you've provided. We do not contact you back because we have no positive feedback for you. But, I want you to know that if we can't find a consensus with Younet - their plugins will also be suspended.
The Forum post is edited by Daisy May 22 '15
tammy harris
tammy harris May 22 '15
thanks daisy 
please look the image the forum section on plugin pages is show screwed up 
im use latest chrome
tammy harris
tammy harris May 22 '15
it looks to be the long titles that are cause the problems
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi May 22 '15
Well has for me the issues i have with Dev is :

* iHands
* YouNett

All their plugins are expensive and misleading...Which in turn to me its fraud and scamming....ihands & Younet are selling incomplete plugins which doesn't work, basically you're bying a car without and engine and interior with tinted windows so you cant see inside once you pay and get the keys open to see the surprise :D You ask them whats up they say...Owe no refunds and if you want the engine and seats or to get your car moving you need to pay more...!!!
Din May 31 '15
Is there any update on younett?