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404 (Page Not Found) Error | Forum

James Mar 10 '12
Just did a fresh install of the latest release everything works except the index page I'm given a 404 error when I click on main. I'm 99% sure everything is set up correctly.
James Mar 12 '12
Michael I.
Michael I. Mar 13 '12
What about .htaccess file? Did you modify it?
James Mar 13 '12
Michael I.
Michael I. Mar 15 '12
Can you share your site URL?
Gene Hughes
Gene Hughes Mar 15 '12
I also did a fresh install of 1.3.1... getting the same error as James and from the same page.
I have some experience with various builds of PHP-Nuke and Kentico cms... so not a complete novice.
I found Oxwall during a search for a social networking software, figured I try something new, but still PHP.
I installed the software on one of my sub-domains created just to test it and immediately had an issue with the dreaded 500 internal error until I added "RewriteBase /" to the htaccess file.
The software then installed and seemed to run fine in every respect except the Main page causing these 404 errors.

suresh kumar
suresh kumar May 9 '12
any solution on this some one please help
Michael I.
Michael I. May 13 '12
We need a website where we can check into the issue. Do you have one?