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You still need to setup the cron job. | Forum

Greg Hayne
Greg Hayne Jun 6 '15

New To Oxwall and having a hell of a time with the Corn Jobs ={

Please help. When i try and make this Corn Job

wget -q -O /dev/null http://www.MYSITENAME.com/ow_cron/run.php

I get this error on My Cpanel

Error JSON parse Failed

The Forum post is edited by Greg Hayne Jun 6 '15
Greg Hayne
Greg Hayne Jun 6 '15
I got the great people over at Arvixe.com to make the Cron job for me.

it's running ever */15 * * * * but i still have the error message on my Admin settings. "You still need to setup the cron job. Learn more" any idea why?

tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 6 '15
in store theres a cron test plugin 

Randal Jun 7 '15

Hi Greg,

Cron set up documentation can be found:https://docs.oxwall.org/install:cron and https://www.easycron.com/...-cron-job-for-oxwall.
Greg Hayne
Greg Hayne Jun 7 '15
i followed this. I don't understand what i'm doing wrong.. 
Greg Hayne
Greg Hayne Jun 7 '15

Quote from Tammy in store theres a cron test plugin 

tried your test. test seems to work fine but i still have that mess to You still need to setup the cron job. Learn more
ross Team
ross Jun 7 '15
Greg, are you sure your cron is running? 

try to send mass mailing to users, while doing that open you phpmyadmin ->ow_base_mail table and see if the mails come and go out of this table, if they stay in the table - the cron is not working, if they go - cron is ok. 

As to the Json error - this has something to do with the ports. Can ypu please tell me what port you used for accessing your cpanel before configuring your cron jobs?