New To Oxwall and having a hell of a time with the Corn Jobs ={
Please help. When i try and make this Corn Job
wget -q -O /dev/null
I get this error on My Cpanel
Error JSON parse Failed
New To Oxwall and having a hell of a time with the Corn Jobs ={
Please help. When i try and make this Corn Job
wget -q -O /dev/null
I get this error on My Cpanel
Error JSON parse Failed
it's running ever */15 * * * * but i still have the error message on my Admin settings. "You still need to setup the cron job. Learn more" any idea why?
Hi Greg,
Cron set up documentation can be found: and store theres a cron test plugintried your test. test seems to work fine but i still have that mess to You still need to setup the cron job. Learn more
try to send mass mailing to users, while doing that open you phpmyadmin ->ow_base_mail table and see if the mails come and go out of this table, if they stay in the table - the cron is not working, if they go - cron is ok.
As to the Json error - this has something to do with the ports. Can ypu please tell me what port you used for accessing your cpanel before configuring your cron jobs?