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Amount of credits less then 1 - User Credits | Forum

Ivan Mar 12 '12
How can I put on settings page amount of credits in this way - 0.002 or 0.2? What do I have to change in files to make it availeble?
Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Mar 13 '12
You need to search the plugin's code and exchange all checks for whole number of credits. Also, you need to change field's type in mysql tables.
Ivan Mar 14 '12
Could you explein more in detail which code and what type of field in DB
Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Mar 15 '12
Sorry, but it's impossible for me to list you here all changes. It will take a lot.
If you are PHP skilled, search the plugin's code for these checks and exchange with your.
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