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compress js problem - OxArt Speed Optimizer | Forum

tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 11 '15
it stops user and photo carousel from working on dashboard and index page 
tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 12 '15
errors in firebug when js is compressed
user  carousel
TypeError: ({addNegativeBehav:(function (){ var self = this; if( OAVoteData.actionFade ){ this.$cmntItem.hover( function(){ self.$cmntItemCnt.animate({opacity:1}, 500); }, function(){ self.$cmntItemCnt.animate({opacity:OAVoteData.opacityLevel}, 500); } ); } if( OAVoteData.actionHide ){ $('.oachide_h', self.$cmntItem).one('click', function(){ self.$cmntItemCnt.show(); $(this).parent().remove(); } ); } }), updateView:(function (){ var self = this; this.$totalC.removeClass('ow_green').removeClass('ow_red'); var signString = '0'; if( this.params.total > 0 ){ signString = '+' + this.params.total; this.$totalC.addClass('ow_green'); } else if( this.params.total < 0 ){ signString = this.params.total; this.$totalC.addClass('ow_red'); } this.$totalC.html(signString); this.$upCounter.html(this.params.up); this.$downCounter.html(this.params.down); this.$upC.unbind('click').removeClass('active').click( function(){ if( self.params.ownerBlock ){ OW.error(OAVoteData.ownerMessage); return; } if( self.params.userVote == 1 ){ self.setVote(0); } else{ self.setVote(1); } self.updateView(); self.updateVote(); } ); this.$downC.unbind('click').removeClass('active').click( function(){ if( self.params.ownerBlock ){ OW.error(OAVoteData.ownerMessage); return; } if( self.params.userVote == -1 ){ self.setVote(0); } else{ self.setVote(-1); } self.updateView(); self.updateVote(); } ); if( this.params.userVote > 0 ){ this.$upC.addClass('active'); } if( this.params.userVote < 0 ){ this.$downC.addClass('active'); } }), setVote:(function ( vote ){ // rollback prev vote if( this.params.userVote == 1 ){ this.params.total--; this.params.count--; this.params.up--; } if( this.params.userVote == -1 ){ this.params.total++; this.params.count--; this.params.down--; } this.params.userVote = vote; // set new vote if( this.params.userVote == 1 ){ this.params.total++; this.params.count++; this.params.up++; } if( this.params.userVote == -1 ){ this.params.total--; this.params.count++; this.params.down++; } }), updateVote:(function (){ var self = this; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: OAVoteData.respondUrl, data: {entityId:self.params.entityId, entityType: self.params.entityType, ownerId:self.params.ownerId, total:self.params.total, userVote: self.params.userVote}, dataType: 'json', success : function(data){ }, error : function( XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown ){ OW.error('Ajax Error: '+textStatus+'!'); throw textStatus; } }); })}) is not a function
The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Jun 12 '15
tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 12 '15
errors in firebug when js is compressed
photo carousel index page

TypeError: ({addNegativeBehav:(function (){ var self = this; if( OAVoteData.actionFade ){ this.$cmntItem.hover( function(){ self.$cmntItemCnt.animate({opacity:1}, 500); }, function(){ self.$cmntItemCnt.animate({opacity:OAVoteData.opacityLevel}, 500); } ); } if( OAVoteData.actionHide ){ $('.oachide_h', self.$cmntItem).one('click', function(){ self.$cmntItemCnt.show(); $(this).parent().remove(); } ); } }), updateView:(function (){ var self = this; this.$totalC.removeClass('ow_green').removeClass('ow_red'); var signString = '0'; if( this.params.total > 0 ){ signString = '+' + this.params.total; this.$totalC.addClass('ow_green'); } else if( this.params.total < 0 ){ signString = this.params.total; this.$totalC.addClass('ow_red'); } this.$totalC.html(signString); this.$upCounter.html(this.params.up); this.$downCounter.html(this.params.down); this.$upC.unbind('click').removeClass('active').click( function(){ if( self.params.ownerBlock ){ OW.error(OAVoteData.ownerMessage); return; } if( self.params.userVote == 1 ){ self.setVote(0); } else{ self.setVote(1); } self.updateView(); self.updateVote(); } ); this.$downC.unbind('click').removeClass('active').click( function(){ if( self.params.ownerBlock ){ OW.error(OAVoteData.ownerMessage); return; } if( self.params.userVote == -1 ){ self.setVote(0); } else{ self.setVote(-1); } self.updateView(); self.updateVote(); } ); if( this.params.userVote > 0 ){ this.$upC.addClass('active'); } if( this.params.userVote < 0 ){ this.$downC.addClass('active'); } }), setVote:(function ( vote ){ // rollback prev vote if( this.params.userVote == 1 ){ this.params.total--; this.params.count--; this.params.up--; } if( this.params.userVote == -1 ){ this.params.total++; this.params.count--; this.params.down--; } this.params.userVote = vote; // set new vote if( this.params.userVote == 1 ){ this.params.total++; this.params.count++; this.params.up++; } if( this.params.userVote == -1 ){ this.params.total--; this.params.count++; this.params.down++; } }), updateVote:(function (){ var self = this; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: OAVoteData.respondUrl, data: {entityId:self.params.entityId, entityType: self.params.entityType, ownerId:self.params.ownerId, total:self.params.total, userVote: self.params.userVote}, dataType: 'json', success : function(data){ }, error : function( XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown ){ OW.error('Ajax Error: '+textStatus+'!'); throw textStatus; } }); })}) is not a functionbase.jq...60c173a (line 4778, col 19)

ReferenceError: OWMailbox is not definedindex (line 4731, col 13)

ReferenceError: OWMailbox is not defined

Sardar Jun 14 '15
Hi Tammy,

Photo Carousel is a third party plugin, so I can't check it myself. Can you please provide your site FTP details via PM so I can check it. Thanks!

tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 14 '15
no worrie
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