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How to adding Profile Questions over 31 values? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
ross Team
ross Jul 20 '15
I'm sorry we do not provide assistance on custom code modification please create a post in the custom code modification section of the forum, probably some community member will assist you with that
Mark Ransome
Mark Ransome Jul 27 '15
I also want a country and language list. I cannot see what the problem is?

I'm thinking of ditching Oxwall in favor of Dolphin! You can have as many as you like with Dolphin.

If they can do it, why can't Oxwall?

Mat Jul 30 '15

Quote from undefined undefined

Been through all those, Dolphin and the likes...Non offers such freedom, a robust admin and ability to create fields like Ox... They Just have to sort out this country issue.. Its 2015 now.
How about you create Text Box let users Type in their their country name in an empty box... I know, I know, spelling errors, false names etc etc.. But show me a better solution.
John Aug 1 '15
1.7.5 released with the same issue. At this point it's conceivably delebrate. Someone does not want to get sued by elgg, dolphin or whoever, for making something equally useful? Hmm.. Incredibly difficult to imagine. The absence of location affects everything else... Plugin developers will always fall behind the "what should be" logic of whatever they do. I saw the same complains about Events. Sad
Mark Ransome
Mark Ransome Aug 7 '15

Oxwall, it's about time you addressed this problem of only 31 values! I it can be done, I have just put nearly 100 restricted usernames in, so if that section can take over 31 values, why can't the profile fields?


Wilson Aug 8 '15
hey Guys,

I notice this back in early Jan of 2014....so I came up with this small work around because I don't like the Google Maps Location plugin in the store and the price is a bit much for a simple issue.

As Ross, Daisy, Taissa and Alia have posted on this several times....its not going to be addressed anytime soon...this is how its built and that's it! So you have a few option's as you have read here.

And this is what I came up with for free...its not the best of course BUT...I have used this options for over a year now and NOT ONE user has put two states when using this option I came up with. Again some may say its not the best but it looks great and it works for my project just fine.

Below is the post link, the post has all the files needed to make it look and feel kool! Now the files are for U.S. states with flags...but you could use what ever you like....have a look as I do give an example of what it looks like after installed.

Hope this will help a few until one day this issue gets addressed.

LINK: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/15398?page=1#post-77401

The Forum post is edited by Wilson Aug 8 '15
Mark Ransome
Mark Ransome Aug 16 '15

This seems to be an ongoing subject and one that has not net been addressed. May I make a suggestion to the developers of Oxwall?

I may be wrong here in what I am suggesting with my limited knowledge of PHP, but in the admin profiles section, there is what I would describe as a "Widget" for entering your date of birth. Is there any reason why Oxwall could not develop such a widget with pre-done built in countries of the world and maybe languages of the world?

In this day and age of computing and programming I personally cannot see a problem, or maybe a third party developer could possibly look at this?

I believe it is about time to properly address this situation!

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