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strange problems | Forum

tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 13 '15
i have a dedicated server with 2 cpanels with one site in each
both running latest oxwall and same theme and plugins

both sites newsfeed view more does not work 
with all plugins deactivated

site 1 
advanced seo site maps dont work 
ao boast works fine
advertisement plugin breaks the site
 confessions works fine
favorites works fine
younet friend inviter  half works

younet  media inporter half works 

you tube auto poster works fine

site 2
advanced seo site maps work
ao boast compress js breaks user, photo carousels 
advertisement plugin works fine
confessions break the site
favorites breaks the site
younet friend inviter breaks the site

younet  media inporter breaks the site 
you tube auto poster breaks the site 

and more that dont work on site 2 that works on site one 
i have try set both htacess back to original and remove custom code 
the only differance the 2 sites is site one cpanel made on a vps server 
and inported into dedicated server 
site 2 cpanel made on the dedicated server

The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Jun 14 '15
ross Team
ross Jun 14 '15
Deactivate all 3rd party plugins and javascript code you have on your website, switch to the default theme and see if the "view more" issue as well as ad plugin issue persists. 
tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 14 '15
yes ross i have try deactivate all plugin and switch to default theme 
i have not try remove js like add this 
i will try in next few days 
ross Team
ross Jun 15 '15
Ok, keep me updated. 
tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 16 '15
js removed default themes default plugins default htacess
even tryed turn mod security off 

no matter what i do theres so many things different between installs 

the only other thing that may help is try overwrite whole site files with a new download 
The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Jun 16 '15
ross Team
ross Jun 16 '15
Tammy, I will need the actual errors, the advertisement plugin breaks the site does not mean anything. As to the website installation where the site breaks due to the 3rd party plugins, you will need to contact plugin developers to find out the reason and fix it. 

As to the ones where ads plugin breaks the site and view more button does not respond - Have you checked your console for any js errors, have you tried to enable debug mode? 

tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 16 '15
view more button console response 
<p>The document has moved <a href="http://www.thenaughtyretreat.com/">here</a>.</p> </body></html> looks like since the update as it was working before now its not support https i removed ssl from the site and newsfeed view more works fine advertisement plugin one site is fine other every plugin says them same Argument 1 passed to PHOTOGROUP_CLASS_EventHandler::adsEnabled() must be an instance of BASE_EventCollector, instance of BASE_CLASS_EventCollector givenFile:/public_html/ow_plugins/photogroup/classes/event_handler.phpLine:532 deactivate that plugin then same next plugin i done 10 and give up its like its have trouble inserting the adds sections into all pages
ross Team
ross Jun 16 '15
is that the whole error: 

Argument 1 passed to PHOTOGROUP_CLASS_EventHandler::adsEnabled() must be an instance of BASE_EventCollector, instance of BASE_CLASS_EventCollector givenFile:/public_html/ow_plugins/photogroup/classes/event_handler.phpLine:532 ?

you need to disable ow_plugins/photogroup/ pllugin, are those plugins compatible with 1.7.4 version?

The Forum post is edited by ross Jun 16 '15
tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 16 '15
yes that whole error and is same error for every plugin one after the other 
and the plugins are 1.7.4 and work fine on another install fine advertisement plugin has no issues with any plugin 

in console i get this on some pages with advertisment plugin enabled

Error: Permission denied to access property "toString"

i will have to google that error
tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 16 '15
Error: Permission denied to access property "toString"

for what i have found is iframe problem and the adds thing im shore is iframed into the page 

tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 16 '15
the only other error i can get is
ReferenceError: $ is not defined

e: Trying to get property of non-object File: /home/theopenr/public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/bol/question_service.php Line: 2345

The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Jun 16 '15
ross Team
ross Jun 16 '15
Can you please deactivate /ow_plugins/photogroup/ plugin and provide the error for another plugin?

As to this error: Error: Permission denied to access property "toString" in what file is that error, it should be seen in the console as well. 

ross Team
ross Jun 16 '15
as to this error: 

ReferenceError: $ is not defined

What are the permissions on ow_static, ow_pluginfiles, ow_smarty/template_c and ow_userfiles? They should be 777 recursively. 

tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 16 '15
Error: Permission denied to access property "toString" 
in firebug consoles errrors

ow_static,     777
ow_pluginfiles,    777
ow_smarty/template_c   777 rec i just run recursive again on all 
and ow_userfiles 777

Argument 1 passed to confessions_ads_enabled() must be an instance of BASE_EventCollector, instance of BASE_CLASS_EventCollector givenFile:/home/theopenr/public_html/ow_plugins/confessions/init.phpLine:194

deactivate that then get this

ross Team
ross Jun 16 '15
Tammy, all the plugins you mentioned, none of them are compatible with 1.7.4 

what is the software version and ads plugin version you have?

tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 16 '15
on google this i founds it can be cross domain problem 
Error: Permission denied to access property "toString"

and on that domain i had 2 sub domains that i was testing stuff in 
i removed them from cpanel and now advertisement plugin works same both sites

ross Team
ross Jun 16 '15
What about this errors

Argument 1 passed to confessions_ads_enabled() must be an instance of BASE_EventCollector, instance of BASE_CLASS_EventCollector givenFile:/home/theopenr/public_html/ow_plugins/confessions/init.phpLine:194

Argument 1 passed to PHOTOGROUP_CLASS_EventHandler::adsEnabled() must be an instance of BASE_EventCollector, instance of BASE_CLASS_EventCollector givenFile:/public_html/ow_plugins/photogroup/classes/event_handler.phpLine:532 ?

and others?

tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 16 '15
the errors are gorn now and site works fine with advertisement plugin installed
even site maps are now working
tammy harris
tammy harris Jun 16 '15
the only error i have now is 

Trying to get property of non-object File:public_html/ow_system_plugins/base/bol/question_service.php Line: 2345
The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Jun 16 '15
ross Team
ross Jun 16 '15
Ok, I'll get back to you on that asap. Please do not duplicate http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/38057?page=1#post-151226