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Mailbox not usable on iPads | Forum

Oxwall CandyStore
Oxwall CandyStore Jun 15 '15
It is not possible to post a reply in Mailbox when using an iPad, please see a screenshot with the "undefined" error below.

Another issue occurs when a virtual keyboard appears on the screen and the text field is not visible.

Tested on oxwall.org, I guess it is the latest version 1.7.4

ross Team
ross Jun 15 '15
We do not support desktop version on mobile and tablets. 
Oxwall CandyStore
Oxwall CandyStore Jun 16 '15

Quote from ross We do not support desktop version on mobile and tablets. 
I see the following issue with this approach: tablet users are not being automatically redirected to mobile version. As a result, they see a broken desktop version. Don't you think that something should be done to improve user experience in this case?

By the way, I just tried mailbox in mobile version and it looks messy as well. See screenshot

Another issue with mobile mailbox is that it shows only 10 latest conversations and there is no way to load more conversations.
bobbi Jun 16 '15
i tested this lol, my site is on 1.7.1 version of software and the message plug in works just as it should but on oxwall . org it does not work assuming here is using 1.7.4 so something is wrong from the last platform update, hope they fix it as i am waiting for 1.8 before i update
ross Team
ross Jun 17 '15
Thanks for the report about mobile version, this issue is related to the Origin theme only. we have passed it to our devs it will be fixed asap. 

As to redirecting tablet users to mobile version of the site is considered as a custom code modification, you will need to do that on your own or hire a programmer, as there's no such functionality in the default software. 

Also you can make a post in the Custom code modification section of the forum, probably some community member will assist you with that. 

Oxwall CandyStore
Oxwall CandyStore Jun 26 '15
Thanks Ross
Please confirm this will be fixed by devs as well:

Quote from Oxwall CandyStore Another issue with mobile mailbox is that it shows only 10 latest conversations and there is no way to load more conversations.

ross Team
ross Jun 30 '15
Yes, I reported that too and it will be fixed