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Container Sizes | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Rockyuk Jun 23 '15

Hi Everyone,

Is there a way of making the container sizes for the pages bigger so all the information on the pages are spread out more evenly instead of bunched together? Also where you drag and drop the profile customisation is it possible to split it into 3 columns?



The Forum post is edited by Rockyuk Jun 23 '15
Taissa Team
Taissa Jun 24 '15
Rockyuk, please could you provide screenshot  so we can  assist you more effectively. Because presently it looks like complicated custom code modification. But if we have more information, may be we can suggest you other way to implement these changes.
Rockyuk Jun 24 '15
Hi Taissa,

On the dashboard and my profile pages i find all the content adjusted more to the left i would like to centre the content on the pages?



Taissa Team
Taissa Jul 1 '15
Rockyuk, to assist you in the best way please provide us screenshots and point out on them  what would you like to change on User profile page.
farhan Apr 8
Seamless coordination with customs and regulatory authorities ensures compliance. evo containers