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Everyone is marked as "online now" | Forum

Matt Mar 23 '12
As you can see from the screenies, everyone is marked as online here:


What's going on? In the second screenshot I put a screenshot of the run.php cron job.

Thanks, I don't know what's messing up!
  liberty-allonline.jpg (147.44Kb)
  liberty-allonline2.jpg (67.17Kb)
Matt Mar 24 '12
ok erm, I changed it to "php -f /public_html3/ow_cron/run.php" :)

Let's see if it works!

Thanks for the pointer!

EDIT -- Ok changed it to "php -f /home/myuser/public_html3/ow_cron/run.php" as that's probably better o.O
The Forum post is edited by Matt Mar 24 '12
Matt Mar 24 '12
omg!!!! it worked! yay! thank youuuu! ^_^