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Parse issue[Solved] | Forum

ross Team
ross Jul 6 '15
Shaun, I fixed it on your website, the issue was with the update of the forum plugin, the table has not been created. 

Kevin, run this query in your database: 

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ow_forum_update_search_index` (  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  `type` varchar(50) NOT NULL,  `entityId` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,  `lastEntityId` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,  `priority` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM  DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=2 ;INSERT INTO `ow_forum_update_search_index` (`id`, `type`, `entityId`, `lastEntityId`, `priority`) VALUES(1, 'update_group', 1, NULL, 0);

this should fix the issue with parse error

The Forum post is edited by ross Jul 6 '15
Shaun Jul 6 '15
Thank you Ross. 

Did you have a chance to look into the  other problem.

Apreciate all your help. Thanks.

kevin99 Jul 6 '15
Yes that worked !!!!    thank you so much Ross.....
ross Team
ross Jul 6 '15
Oh, sorry Shaun, completely forgot about that, I'll do that today. For now, I'm going to mark this thread as Solved
Shaun Jul 7 '15
Again thanks Ross hope its it not a big problem.

My install was done through softculous or whatever its called. Could it be a problem with their installer.

ross Team
ross Jul 7 '15
Shaun, I disabled all 3rd party plugins on your website and switched to the default theme and the error is gone on join and edit profile

See screenshots in the attachments

Enable plugin one by one and see which one causes this issue, contact plugin developer to resolve the issue. 

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