I will really appreciate all the help I can get. This is the second time my site will be hacked in two months. Though this is not as extensive, it is beginning to stress me out.
Someone inserted a url into my site that leads to a phishing page. Because I had the abuse report plug in installed, one of my users was able to flag the page before it was fully constructed, thus drawing my attention to it. I have blocked that users IP from my cp and several other suspicious looking IPs.
Please I need advice on how to locate and remove the url. It is 'mysite.com/awayto/... (a long string of numbers, letters and symbols). Also how do I prevent a similar occurence in the future.
By the way my host says Oxwall has too many 777 permissions and that I should consider changing them all to 755 or stricter, but I don't know which ones to change. Also that I should consider password locking my directories, but again I don't know the first thing about that.
Please guys any ideas will help right now.