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Bug in Newsfeed - see more[bug - to be fixed] | Forum

Furyan Satoo
Furyan Satoo Jul 1 '15
in Newsfeed link "see more" does not work.

(latest version - 1.7.4)
The Forum post is edited by ross Jul 1 '15
ross Team
ross Jul 1 '15
Is that a newsfeed status or what? I don't recall any 'see more' option besides blogs

Can you please shed some light on that?

Furyan Satoo
Furyan Satoo Jul 1 '15
Yes, this field is standard "status field" in "newsfeed".

Furyan Satoo
Furyan Satoo Jul 1 '15
...in your demo:

Wilson Jul 1 '15
hey Ross,

I just did a test in the demo using Google term and I got 2 results. 1st one I just copied the info from there page https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/terms/ and pasted it directly to the newsfeed post area. It showed the "see more " link so that you could read all the terms. Worked fine and as it was designed to.

2nd way had a bug in it. I copied the same info and pasted it in "NOTEPAD" and then tried posted it in the newsfeed area and it shows "see more" but its not a link and does nothing. I also copied the text info and pasted it in FRONTPAGE and then copied it and tried posting it in the newsfeed area and same thing...it shows "see more but no link to expand.

ross Team
ross Jul 1 '15
we can't reproduce that on our demo

see attachment

what text did you put into the status? 

  Untitled-2.jpg (452Kb)
Wilson Jul 1 '15
I just did see demo now!
The Forum post is edited by Wilson Jul 1 '15
  newsfeed-post.jpg (234Kb)
Wilson Jul 1 '15

When I just copy the text from https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/terms/ and post it in the demo newsfeed and press post it post and shows the "see more" link just fine. But if I past the text info to FRONTPAGE and then copy the text info from FRONTPAGE and then post it in the newsfeed area...it shows the "see more" link but its hot hyper and does nothing.

But if I put a space in some of the wording like in ex 2:

ex: 1

Welcome to Google!Thanks for using our products and services (“Services”). The Services are provided by Google Inc. (“Google”), located at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States.

By using our Services, you are agreeing to these terms. Please read them carefully.

ex 2

Welcome to Google!

Thanks for using our products and services (“Services”). The Services are provided by Google Inc. (“Google”), located at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States.

By using our Services, you are agreeing to these terms. Please read them carefully.

Then it shows the "see more" link and is hyper now. Just tested in demo...see above post pic


The Forum post is edited by Wilson Jul 1 '15
Furyan Satoo
Furyan Satoo Jul 1 '15
This "copy/paste" text have problem:

Jeden pár začal spolu bydlet.
Holka se rozhodla, že si udělá srandu a napsala do dopisu
„ že už ho nechce vidět, že odchází a že ho má plné zuby.“
Položila dopis na stůl, a šla se schovat pod postel.
Když přišel kluk domů, přečetl si dopis, odepsal. Vzal mobil a řekl:
„ahoj Lásko, konečně odešla, konečně můžeme být spolu, a odešel“
Holka vyběhla plačící z ložnice, vzala dopis a a v něm kluk odepsal
„Viděl jsem Ti nohy trubko, šel jsem na pivo“

This edited not: (link "see more" works correctly)

Jeden pár začal spolu bydlet.
Holka se rozhodla, že si udělá srandu a napsala do dopisu "že už ho nechce vidět, že odchází a že ho má plné zuby." Položila dopis na stůl, a šla se schovat pod postel.
Když přišel kluk domů, přečetl si dopis, odepsal. Vzal mobil a řekl:
"ahoj lásko, konečně odešla, konečně můžeme být spolu", a odešel. Holka vyběhla plačící z ložnice, vzala dopis a v něm kluk odepsal "Viděl jsem Ti nohy trubko, šel jsem na pivo".

...i dont know, why, i am not programmer.
ross Team
ross Jul 1 '15
Ok, now I see the issue, I'll report this to our developers it will be fixed in one of the upcoming updates. 
Ome Sake
Ome Sake Dec 4 '16
Still not fixed :-/
ross Team
ross Dec 5 '16
Yes, it is still on our roadmap. 
Furyan Satoo
Furyan Satoo Dec 5 '16

Quote from Ome Sake Still not fixed :-/

Maybe try deactivate Cool CKEditor or 0xArt Votes plugins