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500 Server Internal Error | Forum

Russ White
Russ White Mar 30 '12
I can create an error 500 internal error by simply:

1. Installing the app
2. Installing the GrayScale theme
3. Changing the user questions to match what I want
4. Signing out.
5. Attempting to create a new account.

When I follow the link to the verification site, I get a 500 error --and I can't get out of it. I can't get to the admin site, or any other page, no matter what I do. The only solution seems to be to remove the software and reinstall.
Russ White
Russ White Mar 30 '12
Okay, I tried a nice new fresh install from Installatron, and it does the same thing --with no changes, everything just set to the default. I pulled the database, all the files, stripped the server bare, and installed it --add one user, and you get a 500 error on trying to verify the user.

I would try and do a manual install, but when I try, it fails to connect to the database even though I have the correct username/password settings (I can connect to the database through phpmyadmin, etc). Further, I don't really understand the cron job settings that need to be done during the install --since I really only have ftp access to the server, and not console access, I'm not certain how to handle these popping up in the middle of the install.

Any help appreciated.
Michael I.
Michael I. Apr 2 '12
Can you check your error logs for better understanding of the reason of 500 error? Usually all errors are logged and it can help identifying the issue.