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Need to translate language pack | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Kim Jul 11 '15

I know this might sound crazy for some, but I´m brand new in all this editing language packs outside Oxwall. 

I was wondering if there is a speciel program you open the language pack A in and then do the translation to language pack B?

Using Mac!

Could anyone please give me a guide for this?

I have a person who can do the translation, but I don´t want to give this person access to the back-end!

Best regards Kim

ross Team
ross Jul 12 '15
There's no such program. 

You can export the lang pack and give it to the translator to do the translation directly in the file then import it

But don't forget to change the language_tag and language_label in all files, otherwise you'll have the same language. 

But translating via admin panel: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/1470?page=1#post-6794 is the easiest way.