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Some General Question | Forum

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Purusothaman Ramanujam
I just came across oxwall today few minutes back and was interested in this instantly.

I have worked/working with ELGG and Wordpress/Buddypress. I have developed couple of free plugins for ELGG too.

I was looking for bug tracker and code repository links in the oxwall.org site. But I could not find any. I assume that the oxwall code is not in a code repository like Github or SVN.

Also why such a good software does not a dedicated bug reporting and tracking system?

Correct me if I did not look in the correct places for the links.

I can assist in setting them up if you guys want it. I can create them in my website too (iyaffle.com).

These are some of the steps that will take oxwall further.
Purusothaman Ramanujam
I saw that http://oxwall.uservoice.com/ is being used for new requests. And forums are being used for reporting bugs.

Both of these(bugs and request) can be moved to bug reporting tool like trac which is commonly used across many platforms.

Guys, please give a thought on this.
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Any updates on this please.
Purusothaman Ramanujam
A response from Admin would help me to decide whether I can continue developing(learning) plugins for oxwall.

Some level of support is required from the core team for a new guy like me to proceed.

Thanks in advance.
Joseph Apr 5 '12
contact emil he may be able to assist you he is the founder
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Thanks Josesh. I have sent Emil a PM.