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When will Mobile Version have all plugins working with it? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
JoshWho Jul 20 '15
Every time i see a new update rolling out im thinking I hope they completed the mobile version and it seems like every time it gets passed up.

I would like to see more progress with the mobile version for future updates. 

ross Team
ross Jul 20 '15
Josh, please keep in mind that Oxwall is a small team, we do our best to satisfy the needs and demands of our community members, please be patient and follow our blog, we'll keep you all updated on the Oxwall roadmap
JoshWho Jul 21 '15
I'm just worried about the fact that a good 85% of most people online now use their mobile phones and not desktops as much any more. All open source social platforms out there now have mobile functionalities that lets users use every feature of the site. 

The forums add-on could have waited I didn't think it was necessary. Forums are kind of out dated now. People want messaging and sharing and liking statuses and so on.

I'm not being impatient I'm just confused if the dev team doesn't know whats popular right now.

This is the last missing piece to the puzzle for oxwall to skyrocket.

Please make full mobile functionality a priority.

The Forum post is edited by JoshWho Jul 21 '15
tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 21 '15
oxwall is slowly making things work on mobile view
as for plugins there only one dev paru thats trying to make his plugins work on mobile 

oxwall needs to set a date that on that date all plugins have to be working on mobile
and make a point that no new plugins will not be approved to go in the store from now that do not work on mobile view 

all plugins that current do not work on mobile should not be allowed to update there plugin info to be working on current and future platform versions 

mobile oxwall has been out for a long time now and at the current rate of plugins getting mobile view it will be 30 years before mobile view is usable 

matt Jul 21 '15
Some of the responsive themes work very well. I mean, there are still some 3rd party plugins that need some work resposivly. But in general, the well constructed responsive themes give users an almost fully mobile experience.

I might misunderstand - but when more of oxwalls core and 3rd party plugins work with mobile - won't all oxwall mobile sites look the same/similar? (like I said, I might have misunderstood the mobile functions)

Personally I prefer my sites to enjoy the theme.
tammy harris
tammy harris Jul 21 '15
yes responsive themes are great but  full site is very heavy 
and for people with low mobile network connections its just to much for them 
the mobile site works great for them
as there not much  we just about not anything on the mobile site 
so im thinking of pulling it apart and just make it mobile chat 

i am turn the auto mobile detect off so mobile go to main site n if they want then they can go to mobile site 

matt Jul 21 '15
Yeah, true dat. Let us know how you get on with the mobile chat :)