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Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Rajineesh Apr 5 '12
Hey, I am a newbie to oxwall. Can someone help me out with the settings of ajaxim i.e., Instant chat plugin? I just want to change the setting so that it displays only the online friends in the chat but not all. Please help me out.
Joseph Apr 5 '12
if you run the update it will only have the friends only on as long as you have the friends plugin installed other than that you can also go to installed plugins and select instant chat and click features then click the friends only option
Rajineesh Apr 5 '12
Thanks Joseph but there is no option to edit the settings in installed plugins page.
Joseph Apr 5 '12
are you running the latest version of oxwall and plugins?
Rajineesh Apr 6 '12
I have the latest version installed. its 1.3.2

Joseph Apr 6 '12
the latest version of chat will be in friends only mode as long as your site runs the friends plugin