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Forget support - TinyMCE | Forum

GamingCribs Apr 6 '12
Thank you Honda !!

I tried to contact you a few times now but dont get any respons what so ever !!
Oxwall is free and for some plugins we need to pay.
I expect that the plugin works then !!
Now if its the case that it doesnt work then i expect a MANUEL SO I CAN FIX IT OR FIND THE ISSUE Myself OR SOME SIMPLE EXPLANATION ON HOW I NEED TO FIX IT !!

Whats your answer Honsa ??


Honsa Apr 11 '12
please understand that it is not possible for me to answer all questions in time, the plugin works like described. i tried it on a new installation of oxwall. for sure it is in my interest that the users are satisfied.

i wrote in the description it works only for some forms, also i explained some steps to expand it over more forms of oxwall. 

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