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Michael Leader
Michael Apr 6 '12
I am seeing a lot of posts with people having issues with updates.
EVERY release of Oxwall people have been on frantically looking help with down sites and need urgent assistance to get them back up and running.

Good site management is when you have minimal downtime which means you have a clone of your site and you test and check any changes or updates there BEFORE applying it to your livesite.

And ALWAYS backup before doing any work.  If anything goes wrong you can quickly restore your site with minimal loss or disruption. 

That way when problems arise you dont have a dead site, you dont lose members and instead of the developers answering messages all of a similar topic they can concentrate on a possible fix.

And remember,  the software is free, so is the support.
Joseph Apr 6 '12
ok well take it this way I have several backups and each update I ran came back with different issues and the last one came back with no errors and then my live site and by the time I noticed the smallest details of the errors on the live I would lose members over going back plus I can work around my errors and make my site work for me but that does not excuse oxwall just because they put out a free product we also know the owners also run wall.fm and xitti which make profit as well as they sell plugins and could offer us better support for a fee I am willing to pay for better support and yet through all this is simply free or not they started a service and they need to bring service I offer a free site but I respond and work hard for my members
Mark Apr 6 '12
another thing is you shouldnt really be upgrading a live site anyway, you should have a test site installed locally which is a duplicate of the live one which you should make changes to first before making them 'live', if more people did this they would encounter the error on their test site and not take out a working site in the process.
Joseph Apr 7 '12
as I said mark our test sites actually showed no errors but as we are a exported xitti site each time we imported there were different results and from that each test site we run encounters a different error each time you change anything the whole damn this is stupid
Michael Leader
Michael Apr 7 '12
The point of this post is that if you test and backup before the upgrade and it all goes wrong where the problem still exists you will not have a working upgraded site but a working older version one.

If your site fails with a restore it must be an issue with your backup.
I have grabbed other users sites and loaded them into my test server at home and had no issues.

This wont fix the sites but it will purely stop the forums being flooded with the "My site is dead, I am losing users, Urgent help"  posts.