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Photo uploading error | Forum

Robert Sep 7 '15

I'm new to Oxwall, but I have been reading and searching in regards to this problem I am having without success.

The problem: Photos, particularly large photos, will not always upload. I have uploaded images up to 6MB with success, but often photos larger than 1MB will fail. The loading circle just spins (for hours if I let it). The problem occurs in any section of the site that photos can be added. The only photo upload section that appears to work all the time is avatars - I can always get these to upload correctly!

Things I have tried (all without result)
Changing my server file size limits and setting larger file sizes in oxwall.
Changing themes.
Clearing cache.
Removing photos plugin and reinstalling.
Uploading with different browsers and user accounts.

Can anyone shed some light on this problem? Is it common and is there a fix?

Thanks for any help you can offer!

Edit: I'm running the latest version of oxwall 1.7.5

The Forum post is edited by Robert Sep 7 '15
ross Team
ross Sep 7 '15
Robert, do the photos less than 1Mb upload fine? 

Robert Sep 7 '15

Quote from ross Robert, do the photos less than 1Mb upload fine? 

Yes. Any photo under 1MB will upload virtually instantly. However, photos over this size are hit and miss (sometimes they upload and sometimes they display the behaviour I have described above).

I just tested a 900KB photo and 1.5MB photo and both worked. However, a 4MB photo didn't work. Then I tested another 1.5MB photo and it didn't work!
ross Team
ross Sep 7 '15
You said the upload fails and loading circle just spins. Please enable debug mode to see if there's any error also follow this tutorial: https://docs.oxwall.org/faq:parse-error-troubleshooting when uploading the photo and provide us with the error, if there's any, from the console. 
Robert Sep 7 '15
I've enabled debug mode and I'm using Firebug.

When uploading from a newsfeed no errors appear in Firebug (but the loading circle just spins and the photo never uploads).

I got some timeout errors in the "browse photo" or upload photos section.

uncaught exception: timeout
The Forum post is edited by Robert Sep 7 '15
ross Team
ross Sep 7 '15
Do you mean just "Timeout" red error?
ross Team
ross Sep 7 '15
Please share your URL
Robert Sep 7 '15
URL isn't technically online at the moment. I'm waiting for the domain nameservers to change. I'm using a host file redirect to access my server.
ross Team
ross Sep 7 '15
You get timeout error if the photo has not been uploaded within 60 seconds. What about your ip address? 
Robert Sep 7 '15

Quote from ross You get timeout error if the photo has not been uploaded within 60 seconds. What about your ip address? 

Can the timeout range be changed? Can I increase the timeout to 90 seconds for example?

Edit: I tried editing the php.ini file in my WHM account, but it didn't seem to make any difference re the 60 second timeout.

Do you need the IP address of my hosting? Can I send via private message if required?
The Forum post is edited by Robert Sep 7 '15
Robert Sep 7 '15
I really appreciate your help with this problem!

Those posts were very informative. I changed the timeout in the upload.js (as well as my server settings), and that appears to have fixed the newsfeed upload (I just uploaded a 7MB photo to test and it uploaded in 1 min 20 seconds.

However, I'm still getting the 60 second timeout error in the "browse photo"/album creator photo uploader. In one of the threads it suggested there are different settings for the timeout here? Is this possible to increase as well?
ross Team
ross Sep 7 '15
yes, you need to increase max_execution_time and max_input_time values in php.ini as well
Robert Sep 7 '15

Quote from ross yes, you need to increase max_execution_time and max_input_time values in php.ini as well

These were already at 90 (I changed them earlier hoping it would fix things). However, the 60 second timeout still occurs in the album creator photo uploaded as reported by Firebug
ross Team
ross Sep 7 '15
I'm sorry now I don't understand, please provide screenshots where you get the timeout errors and when
Robert Sep 7 '15

The following is the error I am receiving. It seems to be a 60 second timeout despite the change to the upload.js and php.ini files.

Newsfeed image upload seems to work now, but displays a parse error when trying to actually create the post.

The Forum post is edited by Robert Sep 7 '15
ross Team
ross Sep 7 '15
Did you restart the server after changing the values in php.ini?
Robert Sep 7 '15

Quote from ross Did you restart the server after changing the values in php.ini?

Yes. It made no difference - I still have the 60 second timeout issue.

Do you have any suggestions for the parse error I posted above?
ross Team
ross Sep 7 '15
Robert, please enable dev mode and refresh the website couple of times and see if the issue persists. if it does, I will need your cpanel access details and admin access details to take a look at the issue. 
Robert Sep 7 '15

Quote from ross Robert, please enable dev mode and refresh the website couple of times and see if the issue persists. if it does, I will need your cpanel access details and admin access details to take a look at the issue. 

Dev mode is enabled. I have tried refreshing on multiple browsers, but I'm still seeing the timeout and parse errors as reported above. I'll send you my login details via PM
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