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Undefined index: host after upgrading to 1.8 | Forum

Scott Tynan
Scott Tynan Sep 9 '15
Hello Everyone, 

Wondering if anyone can help me. 

I upgraded my site to 1.8.0 and now I get this error, I would ignore it but the site is running very slow and I think it might be the cause. 

OW Debug - Notice


Undefined index: host





Any help would be greatly appreciated!



ross Team
ross Sep 10 '15
It has nothing to do with the website being slow, you can just ignore it for now(disable debug mode), we'll report it to devs it will be fixed in the upcoming update. 
Scott Tynan
Scott Tynan Sep 10 '15
Ok Thanks!!

Joe Sep 10 '15
I was hoping to see an answer here because I have the same problem except I can't ignore it.
Debug mode IS Disabled but the error message shows to guests and every one. See screen.
I don't think it's theme related because it happens on all themes.

The Forum post is edited by Joe Sep 10 '15
Joe Sep 10 '15
I changed themes, enabled dev mode, pressed f5 and got an additional error message.

Scott Tynan
Scott Tynan Sep 10 '15
try removing the "!" in front of "false" on the debug line

ross Team
ross Sep 10 '15
Sctoo +1

Joe, you did not disable debug mode you still have !false it should be just false. 

The second notice you get because you enabled debug and dev modes at the same time. Never do that. 

Tanakit Sep 12 '15
How to solve.

ross Team
ross Sep 13 '15
Tanakit, disable debug mode. See my reply here: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/40833?page=1
ross Team
ross Nov 3 '15
Guys, can anyone of you PM me your ftp and admin access details to check the issue with this notice? 
ross Team
ross Jan 3 '16
Andru, as to the "Undefixed host" notice, this will be fixed in the upcoming update. 

As to the second error, you need to enable php mail function on your sever. contact your hosting provider support team and request to do so. 

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