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LINKs bug | Forum

Mark Nov 23 '10
i go to my links settings and i get this message:

Message: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated
File: /home/hayley/public_html/ow_plugins/links/controllers/admin.php
Line: 53

any idea's?
Mark Nov 24 '10
anybody??? also on the links tabs it has this:


and so on, same for the other tabs, any idea's what is wrong??? this is a main feature for my website i'm doing...it's going to be handling alot of traffic so i need this working./
The Forum post is edited by Mark Nov 24 '10
Mark Nov 24 '10
also this is the error message i see when i go to the settings for the links plugin:

OW Debug - Error
Message: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated
File: /home/noiseee/public_html/ow_plugins/links/controllers/admin.php
Line: 53

hope that helps
Den Team
Den Nov 25 '10
I answered you in PM
Mark Nov 25 '10
replied back
Mark Nov 26 '10
i have tried chmodding all the relevant files and folders again, the languages have been taken off and replaced and tried re-installing the plugin and reset the languages and no luck, any idea's?
Den Team
Den Nov 29 '10
found this bug :) Updated plugins are available on our store.