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[SOLVED] How do you change default page? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
James Geddes
James Geddes Sep 15 '15
I want to change the page that guests see first to a static page, like that seen on oxwall.org - how do I do that?



The Forum post is edited by James Geddes Sep 16 '15
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 16 '15
edit index page and set each widget for guests or members as you want each to see
or try arrons start page plugin
warning its full of bad coding and is huge mess
and takes a lot of work to get it to be usable
or search forums theres way of use splash screen and sign in page as landing pages
or theres a facebook landing page thing plugin as well
The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Sep 16 '15
James Geddes
James Geddes Sep 16 '15
What do you mean? You don't actually mean that one must edit the bare code of the index page, do you?!? Seriously?!!?!?

If so, that's yet another item to add to an incredibly long list of fundamental features that should be part of the oxwall core, but are not.

James Geddes
James Geddes Sep 16 '15
Would any of the oxwall team like to comment?
James Geddes
James Geddes Sep 16 '15
I've found a solution! One can simply disable the default "Home" page and oxwall will take the next page in the "Main Menu" list as the home page. Huzzah!

It would be great it this could be more obvious.

The Forum post is edited by James Geddes Sep 16 '15
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 17 '15
as site admin go to index page the big customize this page button is big enough to hit u in the face the on each widget or custom html thing u can set to view by guest or members
its not rocket science lol
James Geddes
James Geddes Sep 20 '15
Aaah I see what you mean now! I'm now so used to oxwall doing things in a very odd way I just assumed you meant bare code.

That's probably a better solution than mine - both work though :)

tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 21 '15
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Jeffree Star
Jeffree Star Apr 27
Many platforms offer pre-built templates for landing pages or homepages. You can explore these if they match that's not my neighbor the design or layout you have in mind for your static page.
The Forum post is edited by Jeffree Star Apr 27