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back up archive | Forum

Stan Apr 19 '12
I have been trying to upload my back up archive from my last website that as got all my info on but it will not let me upload it to the website, can you help?

Kind regards

Michael I.
Michael I. Apr 24 '12
Can you specify what problem you have? Are you trying to import data or just restoring a backup from file?
Stan Apr 25 '12
Hello, I am trying to import my data from my last website when I was with wall.fm, but every time I try to upload it using the data importer it just fails every time, I uploaded it to my host and they tried to do it for me but my website went down twice every time, they said they could not do it because there is an index file missing from the data, but I do not think they know what they are doing, my back up Archive as got all my members on, groups, blogs plus links?
Michael I.
Michael I. Apr 30 '12
There is a new version of Data Importer available. Try updating it and let us know if the issue persists.