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Allow Admins To Edit Per Membership - Paid Membership | Forum

Bob Brown
Bob Brown Sep 17 '15

When admins go to user profile to "edit membership" it's only show Free-Standard and no radio buttons for other membership account types created. But show's it on the upgrade page.


Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Sep 18 '15

Booby, seems there is some confusion. Let me explain how the system works.

There are two different systems:

1. Account types.

You can create account types via Admin Area > Users > Profile questions section. The Account types system allows you to divide users into several types by selecting different profile questions to each type. 

For example: Let's imagine that your site is a business portal for potential employers and those who is looking for a job. 

So, there should be two different sets of profile questions separately for the employers and employees on your site. 

2. User Roles.

You can create user roles via Admin Area > User Roles section. The User Roles system allows you to limit users' access to the certain site features and services.

For example: You have two roles: Free and VIP. 

Free role users should not be able to upload photos and search user, but VIP can do that. So you need to uncheck these actions for the Free role and leave it checked for the VIP.

The Paid Membership plugin works with the User Roles and Account Types systems simultaneously:

- the membership plans are based on the user roles. 

You need create several roles to configure the memberships. 

For example, you have Free and VIP roles. Free role is default which is given on the registration and cannot be used for the membership plans creation. So, you can use the VIP role only to create the VIP membership.

- the membership plans can differ according to the users' account type. 

For example, you can create 10 day VIP membership plan for $20 which is available to employers only and 30 day VIP membership plan for $20 which is available to the employees only.

As far as I can see from the screenshots you've posted in this post: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/40924?page=1#post-160181, your site is configured the following way:

You have:

- Free-standard (default role) and VIP Paid members roles.

- Free-standard, VIP Paid Memebrs, Staff DJs, and Staff-Managment account types.

So, you can create a membership plan using your VIP Paid members role for different account types.

If you want to have more roles which can be used for the membership plans creation, you should create additional roles:  Staff DJs, and Staff-Managment.

Then you need to create plans for these roles.

As far as we can see from this screenhot: http://www.oxwall.org/...embership%20Role.PNG, you have the only one role and you haven't created any plans for this role yet. That's why you do not see this membership plan on the subscription page.

Finally, you should create plans for all account types because, for example, your account type is Staff-Managment, but you've created the VIP Paid Members plan for the Free-standard accout type only - you will not see this plan on the subscription page under your account. But, users with the Free-standard account type will see it there.

I hope my explanations are clear enough. 

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