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little things! - SMS User Verification | Forum

Jordi Sep 19 '15
i have it working! but when sending out a sms it uses a text string with a code. But how can i get a space between the text and the code?
Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Sep 21 '15
Jordi, you need to go to /ow_plugins/smsverification/classes/input_number_form.php file. Find this string

$result = $client->account->messages->sendMessage( $twilioTelNumber, $fullNumber, $lang->text('smsverification', 'enter_code_message').$userCode  );

and replace it with the following string:

$result = $client->account->messages->sendMessage( $twilioTelNumber, $fullNumber, $lang->text('smsverification', 'enter_code_message').' '.$userCode  );

Thank you for the report. This will also been fixed in the next plugin update.

Jordi Sep 21 '15
Thanks! 2nd little thing. Can you guys make a text field in the page where you have to give your number? With this text we can explain where this is about, why we want the number en how we gonna use it. 

And i dont know if its possible.. but it would be a big + is you can see in the admin screen who passed the sms check, something like the email overview now.

Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Sep 21 '15
Thank you for the suggestions. We will forward them to our product designers.
Jordi Oct 1 '15
Is it possible to set a country as default?
Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Oct 20 '15
Jordi, there is the default list of countries. It's possible to set the specific country as default, but it requires the code modification. Unfortunately, I cannot give you the instructions on how to do that.
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