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Help me my site won't work anymore :( | Forum

ross Team
ross Sep 28 '15
Your website is not slow, we tried to register at facemusik.com, but our ip was detected as spam and was blocked. However the website is running pretty quick. 

As to the queries you provided, well these are just usual queries related to the mailbox conversations, watchdog IP checking, checking user statuses (online/offline/friends etc)

Simone Sep 28 '15

Ross ok but I think you logged in on 4:00 italy so here isn't no users online.

Now cpu says 02:25:24 up 5 days, 20:02, 0 users, load average: 7.53, 4.92, 3.56

so it's so difficult to access it and all user notice this.

I can pay your team for solve this problem i don't have any problem for this.

Thank you

ross Team
ross Sep 28 '15
Well, there are 12 users online now, and the website load fine, PM me the access details where you you the site running slow, I'll take a look
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