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Revive Open AdServer [Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Ryan Sep 25 '15

Hello, I am hoping someone can help me.  I am trying to run ads on my Oxwall site using Revive Adserver and I am having quite a bit of trouble invoking the code to run my ads.  Is there a footer.php that I can edit or something?  I've tried all the different codes Revive puts out in the Settings>>Page Settings Custom Head and Tail Codes but nothing works. I even found a free advertising plugin that allows you to place code but to no avail.  I would like to place the Revive code just before the Mobile Version link.  Is here anyone who can help me get this going?

Thank you for your time.

The Forum post is edited by Taissa Sep 29 '15
  2015-09-25_2048.png (23Kb)
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 25 '15

then when u gave set it all up 
it give you a code
if the code does not work in the advertisment plugin try put iy in a custom html widget on dashboard page

if that works and you want the adds to show on bottom every page edit theme general html and add the cude under bottom content part

clear cache and add should show
warning on update theme you will have to put the code back in general jtml
The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Sep 25 '15
Ryan Sep 27 '15

Quote from Brian I would say though before you move on add this to your "edit CSS", just in case you have responsive ads.

I don't know if I have responsive ads.  What is that?

Also, if I use Oxwall to edit the css, do I have to copy and paste the entire css or can I just add to it with the software?

Ryan Sep 27 '15
By the way, I am using the Simplicity theme...
Ryan Sep 27 '15

Quote from Tammy  
clear cache and add should show

How do I clear the cache ?

Ryan Sep 27 '15


Ok, I have gone to /public_html/ow_themes/simplicity/master_pages and downloaded general.html. I placed the code at the bottom of this page and uploaded the changes but, when I go to my site and hit CTRL+F5 I still don't see the script. I've cleared my computers cache and tried again a number of times but it still doesn't show. I have also done this with the html_document.html file. Am I not understanding what I am supposed to be doing?

The Forum post is edited by Ryan Sep 27 '15
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 28 '15
search forums on how clear cashe also the doc on it somewhere in the docs
Ryan Sep 28 '15
Ok, I searched the Forums using the search bar for keywords, clear cache and refresh cache and also cashe. I also searched the Docs area using the search bar there. I was unable to find anything on how to clear the cache. :(
Ryan Sep 28 '15

Alrighty...  after figuring out how to clear the cache ...


Thank you for all your help Tammy and Brian!!

tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 29 '15